Three Basics in the swing each player needs to be Consistent
Consistent golf is a result of an Efficient Swing
90% of players who stand before me wanting to improve their swing state they want to play more consistently. A National Golf Foundation study found that 51% of golfers play golf because they like the challenge of the game.
Golfers who seek instruction are certainly up for the challenge to get better, otherwise they would not be standing in front of me in a coaching bay or on the golf course. To create that consistent swing a golfer needs to commit to getting 3 basics of the swing under control as a minimum for good performance on the golf course.
Every avid golfer knows good golf needs a good grip, good posture and good alignment. However to become really consistent a golfer needs to control the swing plane (arc of the swing), the low point of that swing arc and create a square clubface in regards to the path the club swings on.
If you have these three areas under control, you should at minimum be scoring under 85 most of the time. If you do not, Contact me and let's get started to create that efficient swing!
Golfers who seek instruction are certainly up for the challenge to get better, otherwise they would not be standing in front of me in a coaching bay or on the golf course. To create that consistent swing a golfer needs to commit to getting 3 basics of the swing under control as a minimum for good performance on the golf course.
Every avid golfer knows good golf needs a good grip, good posture and good alignment. However to become really consistent a golfer needs to control the swing plane (arc of the swing), the low point of that swing arc and create a square clubface in regards to the path the club swings on.
If you have these three areas under control, you should at minimum be scoring under 85 most of the time. If you do not, Contact me and let's get started to create that efficient swing!
Would you like to break 75 or 85 or better consistently?
When you get the essentials of the swing under control you should be scoring 75-85 or better every time. If you have one, two or all three of the essentials of the swing out sync, you are probably never going to play as consistent as you want!
Good set-up, good mechanics and fundamental balance are all essential items for your swing.
Contact me here for a free consultation on your swing and send me a video of your swing and let us start working to improve your swing!
Contact me here for a free consultation on your swing and send me a video of your swing and let us start working to improve your swing!
video and 3d assessment
We live in a day and age now where everything is data driven. In my last 15 years of coaching using data of what the ball is doing for my players and what each of my students is doing with their body in their swings has greatly improved my coaching and how my players improve. Literally your body motions can be measured and when this data is compared to the shot shapes you see that you prefer then this allows any golfer to find out what and how the best version of themselves when they play. As a biomechanic expert in the golf swing, my partnering with SportsboxAI allows me to give immediate feedback visually to my student and also transfer data to my student.
This data helps the player 'feel' certain motions when they hit shots. The data can be helpful in improving the swing and is even more valuable to better or elite players because the data of what their body is doing in the swing becomes the blueprint for a golfer to take to the range for practice or to the course.
Data is powerful information for any golfer, it can help you understand the feels you have when you hit a good shot and it helps you see when poor shots are struck, what unique areas in your swing may need improved for you to achieve your desired outcome for your golf game.
This data helps the player 'feel' certain motions when they hit shots. The data can be helpful in improving the swing and is even more valuable to better or elite players because the data of what their body is doing in the swing becomes the blueprint for a golfer to take to the range for practice or to the course.
Data is powerful information for any golfer, it can help you understand the feels you have when you hit a good shot and it helps you see when poor shots are struck, what unique areas in your swing may need improved for you to achieve your desired outcome for your golf game.
Video analysisEach lesson with Al Owens includes video analysis which you can see at any time.
Sportsbox ai 3D imageryAl has teamed with Sportsbox AI to bring this state of the art motion measurement to all of his lessons.
If you are analytical and love numbers then this technology can really assist you. |
film anywhereThrough Al's teaching app you can send him video of your swings for analysis from Al to keep you on track before your next lesson with him.