How many of you in this Player Development Program actually believe in the idea that the way you think has some effect on your life? You believe that, yes? So how many people here actually woke up this morning and consciously created a future? You know the biggest reason why people don’t do it is because you don’t really believe it’s true. You see if you knew on a gut level that it was absolutely true would you ever miss a day–come on– and would you ever let any thoughts slip by your awareness that you didn’t want to experience? So your brain according to neuroscience is organized to reflect everything you know in your life. Your brain is a record of your environment–an artifact of your past. So if you believe this, then does your environment control your thinking? Or does your thinking control your environment? If you wake up in the morning and you get out of bed on the same exact side as you did the day before, you shut the alarm clock off with the same finger, you slip into your favorite slippers, you shuffle into the bathroom and you use the toilet like you always do, then you walk over to the mirror and you look at yourself to remember who you are, then you get into the shower and you wash yourself in the same routine way, then you groom yourself to look like everybody expects you to look, then you go downstairs and you drink coffee out of your favorite mug, then you drive to work the same way as you did the day before. You see the same people that push the same emotional buttons. In golf you do the exact thing that you know how to do, and you probably practice the same way at the same location perhaps and from your favorite spot on the practice range. You get some practice time in but then you hurry up and rush home so you can hurry up and check your emails. So you can hurry up and go to bed. So you can hurry up and do it all over again. Here’s my question: Did your brain change at all that day? We can say that you were thinking the same thoughts, performing the same actions that create the same experiences that produce the same emotions, but secretly expecting something to change in your life. Would you agree? So then, as the environment turns on different circuits in your brain, you begin to think equal to your environment. As you see the same people and go to the same courses or lesson times with me, and do the same things at the same time, it’s the external environment that’s turning on different circuits in your brain, causing you to think equal to everything that you know. And as long as you think equal to everything that’s familiar or known to you, what do you keep creating more of? Same life. Same golf game. Now the quantum law is still applying to you. You’re just thinking equal to everything that you know, and you keep creating more of the same. To change–to truly change is to think greater than your environment. And every great person in history knew this. Whether it was Harry Vardon, Ben Hogan, Jack Nicklaus or Tiger Woods–they all had a vision. They all had an idea. Couldn’t see it, couldn’t smell it, couldn’t feel it. But it was alive in their mind. It was so alive in their mind that they began to live as if that reality was actually happening now. So can you believe in a future that you can’t see or experience with your senses yet? But you’ve thought about [it] enough times in your mind that your brain is literally changed to look like the event has already happened. Neuroscience says it’s actually possible. Now your personality creates your personal reality–that’s it. It’s that simple. And your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel. So the present personality who’s sitting here today–you–has created the present personality reality called your golf game. Would you agree? Would you also agree, then, that if you wanted a new personal reality, that on a fundamental level you would have to change the thoughts that you’re thinking, the behaviors and habits that you’re demonstrating, and the emotions that you’ve memorized that have become part of your golf identity? Most people try to create a new personal reality as the same personality, and it never works. We have to become somebody else; AKA 'The new you'. So then, as you keep thinking the same thoughts, performing the same actions, and living by the same experiences that produce the same emotions–there’s a principle in neuroscience that Dr. Dispenza has suggested to you in his book that says nerve cells that fire together wire together. And if you keep repeating the same states of mind and body over and over again, your brain begins to fire in the same sequences, in the same patterns, in the same combinations. And whenever you make your brain work in a certain way that’s called mind. Mind is the brain in action. So as you re-mind yourself every day who you think you are, you’re causing your brain to fire in the exact same ways. And as they fire and wire in the same patterns, over time the brain moves into a very finite signature, and that’s call your personality. Now that box in your brain isn’t literally a box, but it’s the most commonly wired, neurologically-fired programs that run redundantly because we keep doing the same things over and over again. To change your mind, then, is to make the brain work in new sequences, in new patterns, in new combinations–to begin to make the brain work differently. Please re-read the above paragraph! And the one ingredient that allows us to do that is knowledge, or information because every time you learn something new you make a new connection in your brain. That’s what learning is. Learning is forging new connections. Remembering is maintaining or sustaining those connections. Just look at your pre-shot routine work and what changes that has created to your golf game! So now, every time you have a thought, you make a chemical. And if you have a great thought, or an unlimited thought, or a joyful thought, you turn on a set of circuits in your brain that fires in a very specific sequence, pattern, combination, that produces a level of mind that turns on another part of the brain that makes a chemical for you to begin to feel exactly the way you were just thinking–great or unlimited or joyful. Now if you have a negative thought or an unhappy thought or a self-depreciating thought, you turn on a different set of circuits, and a different combination, and a different sequence and a different pattern that produces a different level of mind. And the brain then begins to make a different batch of chemicals that signals the body for you to begin to feel exactly the way you were just thinking–negative or unhappy or unworthy. You can see now that all past patterns of thought and emotions are basically keeping you caged in the same situations and would really only allow for limited improvement in your golf game. So all the practice in the world will only create a limited level of improvement...and that is still a good thing. But everyone in this PDP wants significant improvement! You can see now that the redundancy of your constant mental and emotional cycle over time creates your current state of being, or easier said; the current you. And a state of being is when your mind and body are working together, or your thoughts and feelings are aligned to a concept. So thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body. And as people get caught in this cycle of thinking and feeling and feeling and thinking, over time they can condition their body to memorize that emotion as well as the conscious mind. Thus you are like a gerbil on this wheel that keeps turning and turning and of course is going nowhere. As I have stated to players in lessons about their swing, whenever the body knows as well as the mind, that’s called a habit. I refer to it as a subconscious program you have; habit. A habit is when your body is the mind. Now 95% of who you are by the time you’re 35 years old is a set of memorized behaviors, a set of emotional reactions, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes that run just like a computer program. So 5% of your conscious mind begins to work against 95% of what you’ve memorized. So the person wants to think positively, but they’re feeling negatively. They want to create their dream board, and put up their future life, but they feel unworthy. That’s mind and body in opposition. We have to recondition the body to a new mind. Yes, you now must recondition your mind to be the new better player you want to be. For several months you have worked on intention, focus, pre-shot routine and have found success. This success literally is coming from a new you. Previously the old you did not have these routines, intentions, focus. This has taken time and it is really an external reality change that you were working on. So how many people here know someone who’s memorized suffering? It doesn’t have to be you, it can be anybody. And you say that person, “Hey, did you read the book I gave you?” What do they say? “No [sad voice]” “Did you see the golf tip video I gave you?” “Oh, no. [sad voice]” “Hey, listen, we’re going to go to this great course that is hard but should be fun, do you want to come?” “No. [sad voice]” What do they say? I’m insisting on these past habits (chemical reactions in the brain that Dr Joe speaks about) that no person, no thing, no experience can move us from it. And the quantum-field, universal mind–whatever you want to call it–responds to who you’re being. Not what you’re thinking, not what you’re feeling, but the combination of what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling called a state of being. Again, re-read the above last sentence! Most people wait for crisis in golf, or stagnation in their play to really want to change. They wait until the point where the ego is brought to such a low level that they cannot go on business-as-usual any longer. That’s when we begin to look at how we’re thinking or what we believe or how we act or our attitude or what emotions we’re living by. And my message to all of you is why wait? We can learn and change in a state of pain and suffering, which tends to be the human model or the old you. Or we can learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration which is the New You. Now you want to learn the hardest part about all of this–are you ready? The hardest part of all of this–the hardest part of all of this–is making the time to do it. That’s it. That’s it–making time for your precious self. In November that is what we are going to do. Find time for your self to re-create the new you. The sun will set sooner, you will have less time to practice. That means the old you will feel uncomfortable because you habit pattern will have to change. I have purposefully waited until the time change to bring in these next mental awareness exercises. Over the weekend I want you to journal what your past self looks like? Do you practice same days, times? Do you practice the same shots, and avoid the obvious shots to practice like chipping and putting and pitching? Do you play the same course at the same times? Self-talk; do you say the same things to yourself when you practice or play. I bet many of those thoughts are negative or certainly on the past habits of thoughts you always use. Examples would be; my driver is so bad. I hate getting in bunkers. I never play this hole well. I do not have time to practice but I will be fine. You get the idea. Journal who you currently are....this is not an easy task. Journal how habitual you are in your methods. Do you practice like you should? Do you pre-round warm up like you should? Do you have many positive thoughts in practice or playing or even when sitting alone thinking about your golf game? Journal, journal, journal this weekend! Who is the current you? YOU must identify who you are now because next week we have to start to create the new you. In your spare moments, imagine what the new you would look like if you want. We will get to that next week. Habits must change, it will not be easy. Most all of the change coming is mental self talk, beliefs and emotions. The New You awaits.....he/she will not be found on the range. He/she will be found from within, thoughts, emotions, beliefs. Shorter darker days now bring your range time to actual personal quite time....creating the new you with you mind. The mind is all....your mind will be re-birthed to create the new you in November and December.
The thrill about golf that I have always found is that my mind has more influence on my game than I originally thought. Our minds have a great ability to manipulate the intended shots we want to create.
You have been learning that thinking through the problem (the shot or situation you face) will then need a solution. Most average golfers are obsessed with the swing mechanic; believing this and equipment are all that is needed to succeed. All of you in my Player Development Mental Program now have first-hand experiences seeing how you can mentally improve each shot you face. You are finding that your mind is helping you see better outcomes to shots you face prior to starting this program in August. Here in October I want to give you an extra boost to help you manifest the shots you want more efficiently. As you have seen, Polarity shows you that only you can change the situations you face. At times this is very exhausting because you are not used to doing it. You are drawing energy from within yourself to polarize the better shots and situations you want to see. It would be great if there was something within you that you could rely on to help with the challenging situations you face. The good news is that there is! In Dr. Dispenza's book Becoming Supernatural there is information in chapter 4 about the energy centers that sit in all of you. These energy centers are also known as Chakras. It is important to understand the concepts of these energy centers (Chakras) and that is why you are responsible for reading Dr. Dispenzas book. If you have not read at least the first 4 chapters you basically are giving this program you are in just lip service. You are not totally engaged yet. If you have read the book......AWESOME. The book opens a new door for you to see how your mind creates the reality you see each day. There are 3 energy centers (Chakras) that can really assist you in creating the reality you want to see with each shot you face and are about to attempt. These centers are the Solar Plexus, Heart Plexus and Thyroid Plexus (Solar chakra, Heart chakra and throat chakra). These three when used efficiently together can greatly enhance your chances of making a better shot and seeing a better outcome. I would say using these three areas are like having a 15th club in the bag or simply an extra advantage than others may have, Why is that? As Dr. Dispenza states; your energy centers are electro-magnetic centers in your body. The 3 centers that we will focus on are literally like a magnet helping you create the shot you want. Through these chakras you will draw energy thru them to help you create the shot you want. The reason you are tired when taking responsibility for polarity situations you face ( you are the cause and solution) is that to solve the problem you are drawing from these centers. You are not used to it and thus it pulls energy from you and those energy centers. This is why golf feels MENTALLY exhausting also ( besides the physical part). So this month we will magnetize these areas to give you a greater chance to create the shot you want or find the solution to the situation you face. This month I will personally coach you how to use these incredible chakras (energy centers) to improve your game. You activate them and magnetize them through your breathe. So a very specific breathing technique is what I will be coaching you on. Before that you simply have to learn how to breath properly to activate and Magnetize these 3 areas. If you have meditated before or have been in yoga classes or pilates classes the instructor may have coached you on breathing techniques. So if you have experience with breathing techniques then this will be a little easier for you. If you have not, no biggie. It is not hard, it is just something that will be new to you. To get you started before I talk with you a simple concept of the breathe work we will use will be needed. To begin with, when inhaling you will always draw the breath in from your nose and exhale from your mouth. That is pretty simple. But the breath needs intention to activate the energy center (chakra) and that is why you have to focus on and feel the part of your body where the chakra is located. Here is the exercise I want you to start with . Remember I will personally do this with you, but for now you need a basic schematic of how the breath work will flow. First think of your Solar plexis (your stomach) and feel it expand as you draw breathe in from your nose. Feel your stomach expand as you inhale from your nose. Hold this for 1 to 2 seconds and then release the breath out from you mouth. The feeling in the body as it releases from your mouth would come from your heart . Thus, first breathe in from the nose feeling you stomach expand. Next exhale from your mouth feeling the energy release from you heart area. Just practice this sitting up right in a chair or standing up. You do not have to do a lot of these, you just have to have the concept of how the breathing is working and where it is traveling through in you body. The shots you face on a course MUST have a magnetic element that guides the intention to the physical action. When you are calm you will feel this magnetic attraction to a specific shot you face. It will guide your body and mind and the energy you give the shot. This will be our work this month. Each month I attempt to drip a new idea and concept to you that flows with the previous ones. These concepts take time and all of you are doing really well at what I have presented to you up to this point. I am looking forward to seeing you this month and literally expanding you to become a new golfer. The new you is coming out each month, step by step. Congratulate yourself on the work you have done so far. Few golfers could do what you are attempting. But your minds are open to new concepts and you are learning more about how powerful you actually are. The inner power has always been there. We are just tapping into it one step at a time! |
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